
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello Friends,today i happily welcome and introduce APARNA and SUJATA-our fellow blogger as the two new contributors in MY ROOM.Many of you already know both of them as they have very successful and popular blogs of their own.Our main focus will remain the same--topics related to various regional customs,culture,tradition,cuisine,attire,festivals,people,places,art etc of INDIA.At times we will have guest writers from various region and other Countries to share with us culture and traditions of their own.Hope to have a fun cultural-exchange this way.You all have always encouraged and supported this blog by your visits and comments ....i take this opportunity to thank you once again and at the same time request you to continue your kind support and encouragement.THANK YOU ALL.


  1. This is a very good idea, Kavita! We are all waiting here to read the new posts! I am sure, they are going to be different and good! All the best!

  2. All the best to Aparna And Sujata.

  3. Great idea..blogger trinity ;)!! Cool!! Looking forward to good stuffs..

  4. Nice idea kavitha of including other writers and we will get to know more about our country and its traditions :)

  5. This speaks a lot about posting on blogs. Sometimes it is hard.

    Your visits are always appreciated. That is my hardest job. To post things so people who stop once, will want to come back.

    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  6. glad you aren't quitting blogging, it's so fun to learn of other cultures and areas of the world...

  7. You have a brilliant mind, Kavita! So imaginative.

  8. Thank you for the introduction to Sujata and Aparna, Kavita!
    I with you, wish them a warm welcome!
    I shall come back later to read them ... no time right now.

    Have a great day, my friend!


  9. Teaming up with two more creative minds... Probably two of the best. Great news!

    Welcome jai praji and veru praji!

    ( Excuse me as I couldn't resist myself from this PJ. should have been parjaijee or some thing similar though)

  10. This is great news! sending a warm welcome to Sujata and Aparna! looking forward to reading your blog and I thank you for stopping by and leaving comments at my blog. Love to you (((Hugs)))

  11. Excellent idea. Awaiting for your new post. Best wishes to Sujata and Aparna.

  12. कविता जी, ये आपके लिए तो ख़ुशी का विषय है किन्तु हमारा सौभाग्य कि अपर्णा जी और सुजाता जी जैसे संजीदा और खूबसूरत लिखने वाले ब्लोगर अब बस आने ही वाले हैं. मुझे आपके इस स्पष्टीकरण से भी बड़ा अच्छा लगा कि आपकी ये मित्र मंडली भी संस्कृति के बारे में लिखेंगी अगर ऐसा ना तय किया जाये तो बड़ी मुश्किल हो जाती है कि क्या अपने ब्लॉग पर लिखा जाये और क्या सामुदायिक पर.... मुझे दोनों कि पोस्ट का इंतजार है !

  13. Thanks every body for all your warm wishes.

    It will indeed be a pleasure to contribute to My Room. I am looking forward to making new friends.

    Both Sujata and I are a little busy with Durga Puja right now. Will be posting shortly.

    Thank you once again.

  14. WOW! Triple treat! Looking forward to reading this.Wonderful Idea...

  15. Good luck with this new venture. I will be back.

  16. Un saludo a todos mis seguidores y amigos, hoy soy yo la que os quiere premiar con este regalito para celebrar la apertura de mi nuevo blog MI JARDIN DE PREMIOS, con él os quiero agradecer vuestro apoyo con las bonitas palabras que me dedicais en mis blogs, la paciencia que habeis tenido cuando he tenido que cerrarlos por que no me ivan bien hasta que he logrado configurarlos a mi gusto y por supuesto siempre pensando en vosotros.
    Os lo iré comunicando mediante comentarios en los blogs, tener un poquito de paciencia ya que sois muchos y el tiempo que tengo es más bien reducido.
    Una vez más me reitero ¡¡¡ GRACIAS¡¡¡ por los premios recibidos que también iré subiendo todos los que tengo atrasados.
    Os dejo el premio para si es vuestro deseo os lo lleveis a vuestras "casas".

  17. Great idea..
    bahut dino k bad aaane k liye mafi chata hu........

  18. Great idea..
    bahut dino k bad aaane k liye mafi chata hu........
