
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My daughter had a special Assembly today in her school celebrating EARTH'S DAY.We made a badge together with a slogan 'every day is Earth's day'....which she proudly wore to the school this morning.She returned highly motivated and wanted to do something more,hence we decided to let her plant two saplings....we borrowed two tubs from our neighbour and her Aaita(grandma) helped her planting the the end of the noon......happy kid,happy aaita,happy mom and i hope....HAPPY EARTH.


  1. and happy aunt here too since i couldnot do any thing. lol!!!

  2. by the way am also honoured to be your first follower. lol!

  3. thankyou nitu.........for visiting my blog

  4. Oh She is soooooooooooooooooo cute... and I am glad to note that children as young as her are interested in saving the earth.

    Hugs and kisses from my side to the lil beauty!

  5. Thankyou Priyanka....i passed your compliment to Gauri..she is much more motivated now knowing that her efforts are noticed.

  6. Dear Kavita,

    I liked your blog. The Bisoni article was fabulous. It highlighted a native industry not discussed frequently. It also brought to light the talent of Chandika, a girl who would have been normally ignored by the general public. God knows how many Chandikas are out there in this whole world. I liked the pictures too, that showed the colorful bisoni. The Japi article was good too. I would like to see more on the history of japi, like how it came from China to Assam and when (an addenda would be nice). The Earth Day blog was also nice. Gauri at such a tender age has understood the significance of this particular day by planting the saplings to enrich the earth, that is great. Give her my salutes. Not too many grown-ups are too enthusiastic about it, I can bet.

    Lastly, I liked this part: "Life has so much to offer us in simple ways....if only we are willing to find it ,see it,feel it and accept it." You said it all Kavita in one line. I did not know you possess such philosophical wisdom. You sure do deserve a round of applause here.

    Pinku da

  7. I enjoyed this post, and enlarged the photo of your daughter and her grandma so I could see the details. Beautiful!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. subhash pandeyMay 01, 2009 1:22 PM rightly said..every day is an earth day. Somehow if more and more of us could feel that way, we can sure protect our planet. Interestingly, people who love nature they contribute their bits no matter where they metros, mini metros, towns or villages.
    But most of our countrymen have yet to learn this.
